Social Sciences

Election tallies state-level polls as they are released and maps them. You can move through the reports and watch states turn pink and baby blue. The New York Times 2004 Election Guide is an interactive map of the presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial races. Pleasure Boat Captains for Truth. The presidential election at Systematic Bias by Polling Organisation, as measured at Electoral College Meta-Analysis by Sam Wang. A manipulable electoral college map. Larry Sabato’s election website. Stephen Lorimor’s election website. Dale’s Electoral College Breakdown 2004.

Bush’s “hometown” newspaper endorses Kerry. Re: elections, Kenneth Arrow’s impossibility theorem on Wikipedia. Republicans know less about what Bush stands for than Democrats know about what Kerry stands for. More electoral college forecasts: Pollkatz’s Electoral Landscape, RealClear Politics, and
Rasmussen Reports’s Red Blue Chart. A BBC international presidential preference poll. The Election Incident Reporting System’s map of nationwide election incidents.

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Capital Circulation

The Tax Foundation provides analyses of tax policy to the American public, including levels of taxation by state and locality and the shape of redistribution of federal taxation among the states (”D.C. Gets $6.44 for Every $1 in Taxes; New Mexico Gets $2.37, New Jersey Only 62 Cents”). “aims to generate and publicize research, information, and advocacy on how revenues” from natural resource sales “are being invested and disbursed and how governments and extraction companies respond to civic demands for accountability.” A Crash Course in Dubyanomics with Robert Barro and Paul Krugman. The impact of the Bush tax cuts considered at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. “Income Inequality in the United States, 1913-1998,” by Thomas Picketty and Emmanuel Saez (2001). The U.S. Treasury Departnment’s The Debt to the Penny and Who Holds It page. Everbank, an online bank with accounts in sixteen currencies.

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Terry Eagleton reviews Robert O. Paxton’s The Anatomy of Fascism. Devon Largio’s “Uncovering the Rationales for the War on Iraq: The Words of the Bush Administration, Congress, and the Media from September 12, 2001 to October 11, 2002″ (Senior Honors Thesis, Political Science, University of Illinois, 2004). a library of texts. Introductory Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications, by David Stockburger. Structured Procrastination, by John Perry. David Rey’s Darwinian Poetry Project. A collection of eyewitness accounts.

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WordNet: “an online lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets.” An inflation calculator for US currency, and links to other inflation calculators. calendar of upcoming US economic reports., a big collection of links for online research.

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